Your IP | |
City | Columbus |
Region | Ohio (OH) |
Country | United States of America |
Country Code | US |
ISP | |
Latitude | 39.9625 |
Longitude | -83.0061 |, is the industry leader in IP address information. It is essential to know your public IP address in order to play online games, connect to remote desktop connections and connect with a security camera DVR. You can connect to the internet by knowing your IP address. If you want to keep your privacy private or access Netflix from a different country, will help you find your VPN location.
An IP address is an Internet Protocol Address. An IP address is an unique number that is assigned to all devices connected to information technology, such as modems, printers, modems and modems. These devices can communicate on an external or internal computer network using their IP addresses. An IP address will be assigned to any device that sends or receives internet traffic.
An Internet Protocol (IP), standard is a communication standard. It is basically the same address as your home address. To receive postal mail, you must provide the correct address (IP address) to the sender. You will not receive your tax refund, bills, or pizza coupons if any of the postal information is incorrect.
This is true for all internet equipment. Information cannot be obtained without this address.
An IP address can be either static or dynamically assigned. A static IP is reserved for an Email server/Business Server or permanent resident. These IPs are chosen from a pool of addresses provided by your Internet Service Provider. You may not have access to a static IP in all areas. This may result in additional charges.
Most dynamic IP addresses are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Residential customers often get dynamic IP addresses.
Public vs. Private IP Public vs. Private IP is likely to mean that someone wishes to remain anonymous. This can be achieved by proxy servers or VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Private IP addresses, however, are addresses that are only used for internal network purposes. There are two IP addresses for your home router: an external and an internal. Most likely, the internal IP address will be All connected devices will be assigned private IPs by your router.
Current versions of IP addresses are IPv4 or IPv6.
Most network devices currently use IP version 4. With more computers connecting to the internet, IPv4 addresses are becoming increasingly scarce. Addresses need to be created for new areas, just like in a large city. However, if your area grows too large, you'll have to create a new pool of addresses.
It is possible to assign 4,294,967.296 IPv4 addresses. IPv4 addresses are made up of four octets that use 0-255, and separated by decimals such as
Internet Protocol version 6 replaces the old IPv4. An address is made up of eight groups of four hexadecimal numbers (0-9 and A-F) separated by colons. It looks like this: 2600:1005 :b062 :61e4 :74d7 :74d7 :f292 :802c :fbfd. You can omit a group that only contains zeros.